Actually i had PMS and thats the main reason why im acting all emotional and feeling like people are being cruel to me. So theres a girl in my class who till now i dont talk to her. No, it's quite awkward. AWKWARD MUCH.
Teacher asked why do you think amalina che bakri is not a good example, so i said that she is not wearing hijab and in terms of religion she dont fulfil her right as a muslim woman. But some people mistook my answer as i was being judgemental to her. So heres a girl, a beloved student who she think she is right. She assumed me telling that girls who dont wear hijab are bad and we can judge them. She said that, we cant judge people,she is just being herself and people look up her as an idol so of course even a slightest mistake she commits will be judged for sure.
So i know this girl saying that to me. Dude, im not judging amalina. I have never said that amalina is a bad girl because she is now wearing hijab. No. I know someday maybe she will change and maybe better than all of us here. I have my own thoughts for someone who doesnt wear hijab, i do think they have right to live and they could change for the better in the future. who might knows? Or maybe someday im still here but amalina is trying to be better person. So im not judging her. Even people who are not wearing hijab or maybe sexy enough have their rights. No even they are like that, im not avoiding them. Im not tellling that they should not be friend of people like us. I would love to make friends with everyone. So please, get your facts straight. You said that we cant be judgemental, but look at you, judging us without knowing us real deep before assuming that we are extremists. No! Damn you.
And teacher, why should hijab being blamed. Hate the sin not the sinner. You both claimed that we cant judge others but what are you doing judging people who wear big hijab like us! "Ustaz pun ada yang berkhalwat." "Budak tudung labuh pun pregnant". So lets say here, maybe that ustaz is being fitnah. Maybe that girl who wear big hijab was raped before. Think before you say that.