I told about mid-year examination, and guess who did bad on this examination?/facepalm/ Yeah me.... Sobss. It just a disaster. Totally horrible. I just messed up everything and i knew i can do nothing about it because what is done cant be undone.
Just accept it. This is so sad :(
Being a form 5 student isnt easy. Ill tell you. It's completely different with your life when you were in lower form. Upper form is a whole different story that really gives you pain. So much. It is just totally different. mountain of homework, notes that need to be copied, a bundle of past examination papers and a flicker of disappointment clumped in you. You need to take that risk for failing everything and get over it. It's not about how fast you get there, but it's regarding how do you rise again.What it takes to dispel the grief and also the action of not falling apart and giving up. NO. You cannot give up yet because it is just a beginning of your journey. There is still long way to go to achieve your dream. Obstacles, happiness, disappointment and despair are part and parcel of life. It's up to you whether to allow these to get you ruptured or vice versa.
I easily get tired nowadays. I guess my genetic chromosomes have got to do with this. lol haha. My sister is an anaemic people. So im quite scared if i suffered from anaemia because it cant be cured. Anaemia is a deficiency in the number or quality of red blood cells. resulting in pallor, shortness of breath, and lack of energy. That explains a lot why does my sister looks so pale. All she does is, eat supplement containing zinc, calcium and etc.
For now, i want to forget about my examination or the upcoming result next week. I need to accept the reality even though at its worse state. I dont mind if teachers go mad at me for performing bad and dont ace this examination. I dont really care anymore because it's my fault at first. My fault for being nonchalant and all relax. I admit it. So for now im thinking a way to get rid of my ultimate bad habit, and that is PROCRASTINATE. Procrastination is such a blissful thing to do yet gives you big impact for doing it. T_T And i cant seem to learn from the experience./Sigh/ So for now, i make a list things-to-do. Lets see whether im capable of finishing the task. -_- adios~
p/s : Happy Teacher's Day to everyone, specifically teachers at school. :) We had so much fun last Thursday, 16th May 2013. Will update about it soon.