So alhamdulillah that I have been accepted in Kuliyyah of Dentistry (KOD)! AMAD sent the e-mail last week. Precisely saying, 2 days before the registration day. What?! We(UNGS students) were quite furious of how wrecked the management was. 2 days notice was not enough! Luckily my house is just a stone throw away from IIUM Kuantan but poor those who are from Sabah Sarawak because airplane tickets aint that cheap dude. RM1000 for return tickets. It's just wow and what more they need to go back to their hometown this Eid. Double payment there.
So far I have yet started my degree class because IIUM obliged its students to complete UNGS which stands for University General Studies. Here we learn about Islamic knowledge and civilization sort of..? My lecturers are from Sudan and you really need to focus on their lectures because their accents are quite, I wouldnt say hard to understand but need some efforts to really comprehend what they speak.
It's freaking cold here! My room is at level 7, luckily we have lifts here unlike mahallah al-Biruni Gambang. Pray for me guys, a future dentist and also a future specialist insyaAllah. Amin. Thank you :)
View from Mahallah Fatimah az-Zahra