14th July, I sent off my bestfriend to the airport. She is doing accounting in Aussie and will graduate by the next 3 years where I will be here, stuck in IIUM finishing my Bachelor of Dental Surgery pfft..
Thank God I had the chance to see her for the last time before she flew off. I am not sure how to describe this girl. Everything about her is just perfect for me. She is one of the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon me. Alhamdulilah because Allah has destined you and I to meet and become bestfriend for life. :)
Reminiscing the memory, we had been through a lot of things. Quarreling, loving, crying, love-hate relationship. To be honest, I was quite a stubborn girl before. Big-headed and 'garang' (garang2 comel je k). I was way too sensitive and easily get sulk just because of simple things. I am totally impressed up until now on how they cope up with this super-sensitive girl. Like it was amazing that they can stay with me despite of the chaos and pain that I caused to them.
But it is worth it in the end.
Our friendship stay strong like nothing can break it apart. We knew each other very well. Supporting each other through ups and downs. Listen to each other's problems. Advising each other for what is good and wrong without a single judgement being made. I am not sure how I would survive without these people. They are my backbone besides my family.
There was this case that happened during Form 3. We had a fight, I mean a massive one because we did not speak to each other for about 2-3 months I reckoned. Of course, it was my fault from the beginning, being too sensitive and stubborn as usual. It made me realize that I could not survive without them. I was totally in despair and engulfed by desolation. From that moment, I solemnly promised to myself that I will take good care of this friendship and will never break it. I had never feel so much love for other people except for them. I love you Aquamarine.
need to censor my face and Umi's. hehe
Aqila Yasmin is one of the strongest girl I have met. She is that kind of girl who is totally determine to achieve her dreams despite of what people said. She would never be indecisive and once she set her mind to achieve her goals, she will do it even though it requires big sacrifices, Well, she is a beauty with brain. A multi-talented person she is. A debater. A good daughter. A humble student. Someone will be lucky to marry you, you know that Aqila?! haha Ish, I feel like marrying you right now hahaha
Loving this picture soooo much because we looked so blithe! Even though I was in grief :(
Looking so happy huh dekat Aussie. Bawak balik Mat Aussie sorang please. hik3
I love you so much my bestfriend. Thank you for being with me, the one who gives you headache before hehe. But trust me, I will be there with you if you ever need me. Jaga iman jaga diri dekat sana k bae.
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