Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year. 2014 is officially here. Alhamdulilah for everything that You've done for me ya Allah. Thank you for giving me chance to live and all the nikmah you grant me. It's too much from what I did to You, and Im such a bad muslim. Forgive me ya Allah for every sins that I've committed. Yet You still give me  the blessing. You are The Almighty and The Gracious One.

2013 had been a great year for me indeed. I learn something from it. My class, 5 Cendekia full of weird kids haha. #GC5C will remain in my heart. They are indeed weird but hey they are my friends. My friends whom I can express my stupid actions, misbehaviour and show my true self to them. They dont even mind it and in fact, they are way weirder than me! LOL They are gedik, they are full of themselves, they love to eat in the class, they always make stupid jokes, they always make others feel annoying including myself haha But that were the things that make up whole class. Without them, I'll be a good girl for sure. LOL haha

We are truly childish, dont call us 17-year-old teenagers because we are obviously dont act like one! We pull everyone tudung in the class, pulling their skirts, pinching their ears and cheeks. Everyday, almost everyday we did these kind of things. And teachers are too tired to handle all of us. We are known as kelas budak yang paling kuat makan. Slamber aje makan depan cikgu, siap jemput cikgu jamu selera lagi. I love GC5C. I should update about it in new post. There are too many things that I want to write about them. Hehe

So my beloved country celebrated New Year with unproductive events. From what I was informed, there were 4 concerts held night before 1st January. This is truly a disappointment to me. Why it has to be concert? Full of maksiat and sins. This is not an Islamic country suppose to do. This is so wrong. But well, look at those so-called wise politicians. Im not happy i would say. PRU14, the youth will make wise choice insyaAllah. Im gonna cast my vote to the right people who should rule the country with the right power.

And in contrast, there were some people who celebrate new year with the right way alhamdulilah. While Im here, updating blog. This is my way of celebrating it, hehe *throws confetti 

So my new year resolution huh? Im not sure and I dont even think about it yet. Look how productive I am right :p hehe But lets go through quickly and ponder about it.

1) Khatam al-Quran as many as I can, above 10 times will satisfy me a lot.
2)Memorize some duas and surah. InsyaAllah
3)Read books as many as possible, English novels are mostly welcomed.
4) Puasa sunat on Monday and Thursday. Do it every week if possible.
5)Learn how to cook. Pls, this is important for your survival and also marriage :P Hehe
6)Obey mom's words without complaining. I know it's hard but insyaAllah, He will help me.
7)Wake up early and do not sleep afterward! Solat Dhuha everyday.
8)Stop something. Well, I dont want to mention it.
9)Join usrah
10)Be more positive and high spirit! Dont be shy.

I do think there's more but nevermind. These will do. I will list it down later on. Oh yeah, I went to supermarket and had my sight on these cute note books! I just cant resist note books, and I've collection of them. But of course, I didnt buy it because Im no longer a high school student. This fact is depressing enough. -_- Im spending my holiday now and will get my SPM result within these 3 months. Ouch, Im not ready for it T_T

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.”

p/s : Umi Munirah, if you are reading this, pls mind that you are now, welcome to read my blog. Be proud of it. hehe 

p/s : so I unhide my comment section. Im not sure on what purpose. But nevermind. Macam la ada orang nak komen ye dak? 

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