Jam menunjukkan pukul 1.05 pagi. Alhamdulilah kerana masih bernafas saat ini. Semalam baru pulang dari Kuala Lumpur, 3 hari jugak la jalan-jalan dekat sana. Well it is not so-called vacation, it was a visit. Yep, melawat abang-abang dan kakak-kakakku tersayang and at the same time pergi gedung kain Jakel dekat Shah Alam. Cari kain untuk abang punya wedding bulan 3 nanti. Im not sure if I will be able to attend the wedding reception, PLKN dude, I got PLKN. Not sure to be happy or sad. 90% frustrated of course. Im not excited at all. Blergh. Nanti sunburn.... Dahla kulit ni tak berapa nak cerah, sekali kene pergi PLKN, apakah semua ini! Memang hitam mcm belakang kuali la kot bila dah balik dari PLKN. Orang yang sudah berkahwin tak perlu masuk PLKN, ermm so anyone who wants to marry me at the moment? Just for 3 months. LOL HAHA jkjk
I will say, 3 days at Shah Alam was totally a disaster! I had allergies. My whole body was swelling and became red. It's so itchy and a little bit discomfort. I just wanted to cry because it was my very first time having allergies. I dont recall eating anything peculiar. That morning I ate nasi lemak kerang, I had lunch of ikan patin masak tempoyak, budu, ikan keli, abc, ulam-ulaman and that evening, chicken and cheese paratha of hot n roll. I could not sleep well at night because of this allergies, poor my mom because she couldnt sleep after I woke her up at 3am crying and wanting to go to clinic. I love you mummy.
The next morning, my brother took me to the clinic at Shah Alam. I was inoculated. Nak menangis kot sebab first time sedut gas and kene cucuk at the same time. I ate the medicine and fell asleep afterward. Alhamdulilah the allergies have gone for quite a moment. Not until this morning. :| And I have to eat porridge now. Just porridge :'( No fried chicken, no fried egg, omelette.. Sekarang ni aku rasa apa dirasai oleh perempuan yang kene berpantang lepas bersalin. Memang susah sebab just makan nasi kosong dengan sup sayur. Kesian right.
ubat ni mengantuk
So, becoming an engineer is really not my path. Takleh dekat dengan debu, bulu-bulu kucing(i love kucing tp nak buat mcm mana T_T). Please do pray for me. Nak ambil medic or dentistry. Insya-Allah :)
Punca ikan patin tu. Sy allergic ikan patin. Satu badan naik ruam seharian. So berhati2 la nk makan ikan patin terutama ikan patin kolam.