Monday, August 2, 2021

Lepas solat Capai hp  Tersengih sendirian. Penangan whatsapp barangkali.. Penangan wechat barangkali.. Penangan ig barangkali.. Penangan fb barangkali.. Jari laju mengetuk skrin telefon. Laju sampai terlupa adab dengan allah lepas solat. Zikirnya tiada.. Alunan surat cinta dariNya tiada.. Apatah lagi, doa.. Kita ambil mudah. tapi, Cuba bila time hati kita remuk, Cuba bila time kita tersungkur, Tak larat nak bangun.. Tak mampu nak handle suatu ujian.. Doa kita jadi khusyuk.. Zikir kita jadi khusyuk.. Alunan bacaan surat cintaNya dibiarkan menyusup di hati.. Bila kita susah kita cari allah.. Bila kita rasa senang sikit, mudahnya kita lupakanNya. Hei, Cuba belajar untuk 'setia'. 'Setia' bercinta denganNya tak kira susah atau senang. :) Selamat bercinta dengan pencipta cinta.

Love is troublesome

I just wanna highlight that love is something that can weigh you down but at the same time it miraculously heal your misery. I found that love is beautiful if you hold to it carefully, and it can turn otherwise if you take it for granted. Love is something that I could not talk about it much because it is totally mysterious. Day by day, you will discover new thing about love. Your feelings and emotions are mixed up when you encounter love. I assure you, someday you will meet your love. Be it towards human, living things or anything. Ultimately our love is all relying to our God. The Greatest God and the one whom we should give our love to Him. Without love towards Allah, it is impossible for us muslims to care about other human dont cha think. Put Allah first before anything else.

You may not meet true love yet so sometimes you couldnt even comprehend what the love song is about, you are puzzled on how people are so fragile if their loved one break their hearts, but yet you will discover that feeling. It slowly crawls onto you and stick to you until you understand what it is about. If that were to happen, you will be that one of people who are willing to do anything because it is love. Some people want to avoid being in love because of a few reasons. They might be traumatised because of their pasts and we just couldnt blame them at all. They are merely human too who need empathy.

Being in loved is troublesome soemtimes.